Professional Event Videography Services

What Events Do We Cover?

From prestigious events like the Chelsea Flower Show to the exciting Iron Man 70.3 in Bolton, we’ve had the privilege of filming the highlights of a wide variety of live events. Our event videography service covers everything from conferences and panel discussions to exhibitions, launch parties, and corporate events across multiple sectors.

Whether it’s capturing the energy of a sporting event, or the glitz and glamour of a red carpet occasion, we’ve got you covered. In addition to filming the main event, we can capture vox pop interviews with your guests, providing valuable content that can help promote future events or to promote brand awareness. Event filming is our passion, and we’re always excited to work with new clients.

Why Choose Us to cover your event? 

  • We take the time to plan and ensure we’re always in the right place at the right time.
  • Events are full of surprises, and we pride ourselves on our adaptability. As the proceedings change, so do we, ensuring we never miss a moment.
  • We always arrive early to recce the location and set up, ensuring everything runs smoothly so you can focus on enjoying your event.
Events Showreel 2025
Made Originals London
RHS Chelsea Flower Show
Made Originals London
David Phillips
illy at the Taste of London Food Festival
Transform International

"We are so thrilled about the video he made for us! It's been done professionally, with passion and it really helped our company to grow."

Summer Dreams

"We were extremely happy with the professionalism and final project from Daniel. Knowing his gadgets and always willing to get the perfect shot, we never had any doubt on the outcome."

The Atrium Hotels

"Daniel went above and beyond to ensure we were happy with the end result and was an absolute pleasure to work with from start to finish"

So Talented

"I had a great time working with Daniel. His attention to detail was fantastic and his prime aim was to ensure that I was happy and satisfied with what he produced."

Amna khan

"He delivered a fantastic video for me within a week which was high quality and really caught the ambience of the event"

Amar Mehta

"Really professional to deal with and the pictures captured by Daniel were great, you can really see that he has an eye for capturing that perfect happy moment"

Finola Cotter

"Working with Daniel is such an incredible experience. I have worked with several other companies for filming and editing my videos yet Daniel is by far the most enthusiastic"

Fiona Boulton - Awakening Fertility